Monday, December 12, 2011

Men: does it bother you to assist damsels in distress?

I'm not a feminist. I think it's wonderful that men are usually stronger and seem to know things like how to use battery cables to jumpstart a car. I just got home and my daughter and her friend were in the driveway talking to a guy friend on the phone, trying to check her battery. He told them to take the battery out but I thought it would be better to take the car to AutoZone. Her friend had jumper cables but none of us knew how to attach them. I noticed we all turned our heads toward the construction guys at the neighbor's house. And yes, one of them was happy to oblige.

It just made me wonder if you guys resent be called upon to change tires, squash spiders, and open jars or if you consider it reasonable.Men: does it bother you to assist damsels in distress?
No gentlemen worth his weight would ever feel put out or in any way resentful of helping a lady who asks graciously or looks lost in some way and needs assistance.

Feminism to me really has nothing to do with it. We all have strengths and gifts..... and kind, sincere people should help each other where and when they can.

I always find a gracious kind smile for assistance given well worth the effort.

I've changed my share of flat tires in my day.Men: does it bother you to assist damsels in distress?
Thank you! :)

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I don't mind doing it
I am the total gentleman! I love helping damsels in distress!
I'm always a lady if it means I have to work less or I get more things, free. I don't want to fight in a war or construct a building. I love to make cupcakes, though!

Now someone lay down a jacket so that my dainty, bound feet don't get wet crossing this puddle. And there will be no more of that ';language'; in my presence!
I'm not a man... obviously, but I thought I could chime in my saying that my honey loves helping me with the manly things. (He doesn't like it when I mow the lawn or anything, he's a firefighter and so once when I had a flat tire he brought the fire truck and crew from work to have them change my tire... even though I could've handled the situation.) ...(they have a radio and could have left if they had a call... :) )

I think these kinds of guys are the ones that like opening doors for girls.

Sometimes we mess around and I'll be like oooh nooo a new jar of jeeeeeellly, oh please oh please let there be a man around to, and he'll grin all excited like and say, ';I'll DO IT!';

I love him. :D
I'm from another era I guess (..yeah, I'm an old geek..). Helping out ladies was *expected* of you. It's almost instinctive in me, but nowadays I often preface whatever assistance I'm offering by smiling and saying, ';Pardon my chauvinism.';

Just the other day I was heading downtown on a crowded light-rail train and stood up to offer my seat to a lady. She and everyone around just stared at me like I'd gone 'round the bend.
Any damsel needing help, doesn't matter if she has dis tress or doe's braids or even short hair. Any coiffure is acceptable.

But, as a guy, I have to tell you cute ones get quicker and better and more attention.


I don't mind it at all. I guess I am old-fashioned that way. I don't expect a woman to know those knids of things. But it can be really sexy if she does.


BUT - there's also all that lawsuit and harassment crap one needs to worry about these days.

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