Monday, December 12, 2011

Could you explain JUST IN 5 steps how to change a tyre?

imagine that you have to explain by 5 frames drawings!.. kind of a challenge...Could you explain JUST IN 5 steps how to change a tyre?
1. loosen the lug nuts while still on the ground don't take off just loose

2. jack ep wheel make sure th other wheels are blocked from rolling

3. take the lug nuts all the way off and remove the old wheel

4. put the spare tire on and snug up the bolts

5. lower the vehicle tighten the lug nuts and your doneCould you explain JUST IN 5 steps how to change a tyre?
1. use jack to raise car

2. take tire off

3. put new tire on.

4. take car off jack

5. have a beer.
1.loosen the nuts

2. jack up the car

3. take out he tyre and put in the new one.

4.lower the jack and tighten the nuts
1. Set parking brake and put transmission in gear or in park.

2. Loosen wheel nuts.

3. Raise car.

4. Remove/replace wheel.

5. Lower car.

6. Tighten wheel nuts.

I wouldn't recommend leaving any of these steps out, especially if the person needs to have it explained in pictures.
If you are a woman, you can do it in 2 steps.

1) Put on high heels and short skirt.

2) Stand by flat tire and look sad.

Flat tire will be fixed in 2 minutes by a team of men.
You don't know? It's the first thing I learned in driver traning.
start car

stop car

call AMA

get tow truck driver to do it

sell car.....if you cant change a tire buy a bus pass.

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